The three-week summer component of AU’s AI Academy will give students a chance to use and further develop the skills they learned through the orientation course and to iteratively improve upon their proposal until it becomes a fully developed and usable prototype. The course will have hybrid lectures, hands-on design exercises, small group technical mentorship, and project management activities culminating with students documenting and developing a custom AI-enabled solution for a community member with requirements for a technology to augment their abilities.
A team of AU researchers and students will help students through these materials and activities, using previous AI solutions developed at AU as guiding examples and helping facilitate community member engagement. By the end of this course, students will have developed an understanding of the engineering process that it takes to build an AI solution, be able to identify engineering requirements from user interviews, be able to identify potential solutions and the skills required to implement the solutions, and build their own prototype solutions.
The focus of the technology skills component will depend on the needs of each student’s project and is subject to change, but may include areas such as computer-aided design, 3D printing, and electronics. Past projects that have come out of a similar AU program and makethons have included navigation aids for the blind, emotion expression cards, tremor aids, a device to speak using gaze inputs, and others.