
تم إعداد هذا البرنامج خصّيصًا للطلاب المهتمين بالبحث واستكشاف خفايا وأسرار الدماغ البشري، وعلاقته بسلوكيات الإنسان. يتم خلاله تناول كل ما تم طرحه في هذا المجال من أبحاث تخص علم الأعصاب، والوعي العام بالصحة العقلية. كما سيتم خلال البرنامج تعريف الطلاب على مقررات كلية الطب، والتجول في معاملها.

  • الدورة الأولى: 29 يونيو - 17 يوليو 2025 الدورة الثانية: 20 يوليو - 7 أغسطس 2025
  • الجمهور المستهدف: طلاب الصف التاسع - الثاني عشر
  • ساعات البرنامج: 11:00 صباحاً-5:00 مساءً
  • الرسوم: 5500 ريال سعودي
  • الموقع: حرم جامعة الفيصل
  1. Do you want to develop a foundation in research methodologies and critical thinking skills?
  2. Are you fascinated by the brain, its functions, and how it shapes behavior and experiences?
  3. Are you passionate about promoting well-being and preventing mental health issues?
  4. Are you curious about how brain science is shaping the future of technology?
  5. Are you interested in developing your public speaking and teamwork skills?
  6. Can you envision yourself as a researcher, a policymaker, a community leader, or a specialist driving positive change in the field of neurosciences, psychology, or public health?

If so, you are in the right place!

Brainers is an exhilarating three-week program that will transport you from the wonders of the human brain to the heights of emerging technology.

The program will expose you to a wide range of topics, including:

  • Research
  • Brain anatomy and physiology
  • Common mental health conditions
  • Emerging brain technologies
  • Brain health promotion

It will also develop your interpersonal skills through presentations, problem-based learning activities, and team-based learning discussions. This journey of discovery will culminate in a final real-world mental health challenge project.

By the end of the program, you will have a strong knowledge foundation to further explore brain health and mental health as future advocates, researchers, specialists, and policymakers.

Program Plan

Week 1
Unveiling Wonders: A Journey to the Human Brain

Exploration of the structure and function of the human body, the fundamental concepts of health, and research. Activities will include stress management, strength finding, and brain puzzles.

Main Learning Outcomes:

  • Recognize the foundations of the human body, research, and health.
  • Identify main concepts in brain anatomy and physiology.
  • Discuss mental health literacy.
Week 2
The Science of Investigation: What Happens When the Brain Gets Sick?

Exploration of mental conditions and research methodologies. Activities will include laboratory visits, inspection of cutting-edge technology, and case-based discussions.

Main Learning Outcomes:

  • Recognize the main concepts in research methodology.
  • Identify common mental health conditions.
  • Explore brain investigation modalities, and brain computer interface.
Week 3
Making a Difference: Brain Health and the Community

Exploration of the World Health Organization's (WHO) brain health across the life span conceptual framework. Activities will include discussing career paths and a mental health awareness campaign.

Main Learning Outcomes:

  • Discuss the WHO brain health conceptual framework.
  • Identify main concepts in mental health first aid.
  • Recognize common thinking traps.


Interested in this Program? Please register here