
“Lastly I wanted thank you for the amazing experience in the previous cycle, I had so much fun and benefited from it so much. You truly did an amazing and exceptional job putting together this program".
-Sama Al Namlah

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making the closing ceremony a success, and every word in my speech was dedicated to you and to your hard work and dedication to building the future generations of the country and the whole world."
-Khalid Bin Moammar

“I just wanted to say that i truly had a wonderful time thanks to you!! Thank you so much for agreeing to teach this course and for being a great and very understanding teacher. You walked into class everyday undeniably giving us your all and I can’t explain how much that means to us students. You taught us everything with such passion & put so much effort into making this course beneficial as well as fun! Everything from the daily writing prompts to the articles & annotated bibliographies was all so well taught. The comments you left to students on the assignments were so nice, encouraging, and helpful. You did everything to make this course more than perfect and I appreciate that so much. All of that led to making this an extremely memorable experience for me & I’m so glad that I applied because I truly would have missed out. Once again, thank you so much for being the absolute coolest. I hope you have a fantastic summer".
-Sara Alhokail

“I would like to congratulate you on the resounding popularity of the program!”
-Nizar Altwaijri



